Phillip and me at Mission P!

From the back cover of his book of poetry, Captured Emotions:




After his turbulent youth, he bled into a life pursuing money, he said. He’d always been surrounded by drug dealers, pimps, who had an external appearance of wealth and luxury. Now, he wanted “the nice cars,” the big house—security for once.

So he began hustling drugs. He began doing drugs. Soon, he did have things—and his hands were full, but his chest was empty.

He remembered the church visits of his foster-care childhood, and began attending church weekly again. He discovered faith and fulfillment, and God changed his life, he said. He stopped dealing drugs, moved, and married.

Then he had a daughter. He said that he’d never known what a happy childhood was supposed to be like, since his was anything but comfortable, the antithesis of carefree. Looking at his baby, he realized what it meant to nurture and love a child. In the coming years, he learned what it meant to provide a safe environment for growth. And through faith and sheer will, he quit doing any drugs once and for all.


Phillip at a book signing for Captured Emotions. Source: Phillip Joyner via Twitter

In 2007, he published his first book. On the back cover:

Captured Emotions was written to raise awareness about the number one form of child abuse, which is child neglect; and to encourage encourage any reader who has experienced child abuse in the past, or who is currently living through it. This book is a testimony that God is an emotional healer and a mender of broken hearts. Captured Emotions in poetic expressions will bless and encourage you to continue life’s journey.”



In 2010, he published his second book, Open Journal, also autobiographical in poetry.

Book signing for Open Journal at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio. Source: Phillip Joyner via Twitter

He said he moved to Austin recently based on God’s calling. Lately, he’s been homeless, looking for a place to stay while working as an independent car salesman. His true passion is writing, with the intent of spreading awareness about homelessness, poverty, and most of all, child neglect. He said he’s devoting the rest of his life towards that cause. Currently, he’s working on several new books, and juggles his time between his writing, holding book signings (both at faith-based events and at bookstores such as Barnes & Noble), playing guitar for fun, and working. He hopes to find permanent housing here soon.


Overall, he said, he’s working on building up his own character. It’s all about character, and your attitude, he said. By overcoming hardship after challenge after obstacle, throughout his life, he’s strengthening both.



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